Creating an e2e test for Conformance

Introduction #

Since the 1.19 release of Kubernetes, the gap in e2e conformance tested endpoints has decreased due in part to the processes and tooling that the team at have developed.

The process starts by using APIsnoop (which uses a postgres database containing audit logs from e2e test runs) to identify a set of untested endpoints that are part of the stable API endpoints. During this process various groups or patterns of endpoints are discovered. One such group of endpoints are “DaemonSetStatus”. Next we will explore these endpoints, create an e2e test that exercises each of them, then merge this test into the k8s repo.

APIsnoop results for untested “DaemonSetStatus” endpoints in untested_stable_endpoints table

  from testing.untested_stable_endpoint
  where eligible is true
  and endpoint ilike '%DaemonSetStatus'
  order by kind, endpoint desc;
                endpoint                  |                           path                                |    kind
   replaceAppsV1NamespacedDaemonSetStatus | /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/daemonsets/{name}/status | DaemonSet
   readAppsV1NamespacedDaemonSetStatus    | /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/daemonsets/{name}/status | DaemonSet
   patchAppsV1NamespacedDaemonSetStatus   | /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/daemonsets/{name}/status | DaemonSet
  (3 rows)

Connecting an endpoint to a resource #

Here are three possible ways use to connect an API endpoint to a resource in a cluster

  1. Some initial details about the endpoint can be found via the API Reference. For this example about Daemonset we can locate read, patch and replace for Daemonset Status.

  2. kubectl has an option to describe the fields associated with each supported API resource. The following example shows how it can provide details around ’status conditions’.

       $ kubectl explain daemonset.status.conditions
       KIND:     DaemonSet
       VERSION:  apps/v1
       RESOURCE: conditions <[]Object>
            Represents the latest available observations of a DaemonSet's current
            DaemonSetCondition describes the state of a DaemonSet at a certain point.
          lastTransitionTime   <string>
            Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another.
          message      <string>
            A human readable message indicating details about the transition.
          reason       <string>
            The reason for the condition's last transition.
          status       <string> -required-
            Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.
          type <string> -required-
            Type of DaemonSet condition.
  3. Lastly, using both APIsnoop in cluster while reviewing the current e2e test suite for existing conformance tests that test a similar set of endpoints. In this case we used a Service Status test as a template for the new Daemonset test.

    with latest_release as (
    select release::semver as release
    from open_api
    order by release::semver desc
    limit 1
    select ec.endpoint, ec.path, ec.kind
    from endpoint_coverage  ec
    join latest_release on(ec.release::semver = latest_release.release)
    where level = 'stable'
    and ec.endpoint ilike '%NamespacedServiceStatus'
    and tested is true
    ORDER BY endpoint desc;
                      endpoint               |                         path                          |  kind
        replaceCoreV1NamespacedServiceStatus | /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{name}/status | Service
        readCoreV1NamespacedServiceStatus    | /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{name}/status | Service
        patchCoreV1NamespacedServiceStatus   | /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{name}/status | Service
       (3 rows)

    The Service status e2e test followed similar ideas and patterns from /test/e2e/auth/certificates.go and /test/e2e/network/ingress.go

Writing an e2e test #

Initial Exploration #

Using literate programming we created (via pair) to both test and document the explorations of the endpoints. This provides a clear outline that should be easily replicated and validated by others as needed. Once completed, the document is converted into markdown which becomes a GitHub issue.

The issue provides the following before a PR is opened:

Creating the e2e test #

Utilizing the above document, the test is structured in to four parts;

  1. Creating the resources for the test, in this case a DaemonSet and a ’watch’.

  2. Testing the first endpoint, readAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetStatus via a dynamic client. This is due to the standard go client not being able to access the sub-resource. We also make sure there are no errors from either getting or decoding the response.

  3. The next endpoint tested is replaceAppsV1NamespacedDaemonSetStatus which replaces all status conditions at the same time. As the resource version of the DaemonSet may change before the new status conditions are updated we may need to retry the request if there is a conflict. Monitoring the watch events for the Daemonset we can confirm that the status conditions have been replaced.

  4. The last endpoint tested is patchAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetStatus which only patches a single condition this time. Again, using the watch to monitor for events we can check that the single condition has been updated.

Validating the e2e test #

Using go test we can run a single test for quick feedback

cd ~/go/src/
TEST_NAME="should verify changes to a daemon set status"
go test ./test/e2e/ -v -timeout=0  --report-dir=/tmp/ARTIFACTS -ginkgo.focus="$TEST_NAME"

Checking the e2e test logs we see that everything looks to be okay.

[It] should verify changes to a daemon set status  /home/ii/go/src/
STEP: Creating simple DaemonSet "daemon-set"
STEP: Check that daemon pods launch on every node of the cluster.
May 10 17:36:36.106: INFO: Number of nodes with available pods: 0
May 10 17:36:36.106: INFO: Node heyste-control-plane-fkjmr is running more than one daemon pod
May 10 17:36:37.123: INFO: Number of nodes with available pods: 0
May 10 17:36:37.123: INFO: Node heyste-control-plane-fkjmr is running more than one daemon pod
May 10 17:36:38.129: INFO: Number of nodes with available pods: 0
May 10 17:36:38.129: INFO: Node heyste-control-plane-fkjmr is running more than one daemon pod
May 10 17:36:39.122: INFO: Number of nodes with available pods: 1
May 10 17:36:39.122: INFO: Number of running nodes: 1, number of available pods: 1
STEP: Getting /status
May 10 17:36:39.142: INFO: Daemon Set daemon-set has Conditions: []
STEP: updating the DaemonSet Status
May 10 17:36:39.160: INFO: updatedStatus.Conditions: []v1.DaemonSetCondition{v1.DaemonSetCondition{Type:"StatusUpdate", Status:"True", LastTransitionTime:v1.Time{Time:time.Ti
me{wall:0x0, ext:0, loc:(*time.Location)(nil)}}, Reason:"E2E", Message:"Set from e2e test"}}
STEP: watching for the daemon set status to be updated
May 10 17:36:39.163: INFO: Observed event: ADDED
May 10 17:36:39.163: INFO: Observed event: MODIFIED
May 10 17:36:39.163: INFO: Observed event: MODIFIED
May 10 17:36:39.164: INFO: Observed event: MODIFIED
May 10 17:36:39.164: INFO: Found daemon set daemon-set in namespace daemonsets-2986 with labels: map[daemonset-name:daemon-set] annotations: map[deprecated.daemonset.template
.generation:1] & Conditions: [{StatusUpdate True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC E2E Set from e2e test}]
May 10 17:36:39.164: INFO: Daemon set daemon-set has an updated status
STEP: patching the DaemonSet Status
STEP: watching for the daemon set status to be patched
May 10 17:36:39.180: INFO: Observed event: ADDED
May 10 17:36:39.180: INFO: Observed event: MODIFIED
May 10 17:36:39.181: INFO: Observed event: MODIFIED
May 10 17:36:39.181: INFO: Observed event: MODIFIED
May 10 17:36:39.181: INFO: Observed daemon set daemon-set in namespace daemonsets-2986 with annotations: map[deprecated.daemonset.template.generation:1] & Conditions: [{StatusUpdate True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC E2E Set from e2e test}]
May 10 17:36:39.181: INFO: Found daemon set daemon-set in namespace daemonsets-2986 with labels: map[daemonset-name:daemon-set] annotations: map[deprecated.daemonset.template.generation:1] & Conditions: [{StatusPatched True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC  }]
May 10 17:36:39.181: INFO: Daemon set daemon-set has a patched status

Verification that the test passed!

Ran 1 of 5745 Specs in 18.473 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 1 Passed | 0 Failed | 0 Pending | 5744 Skipped
--- PASS: TestE2E (18.62s)

Using APISnoop with the audit logger we can also confirm that the endpoints where hit during the test.

select distinct  endpoint, right(useragent,75) AS useragent
from testing.audit_event
where endpoint ilike '%DaemonSetStatus%'
and release_date::BIGINT > round(((EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NOW()))::numeric)*1000,0) - 60000
and useragent like 'e2e%'
order by endpoint;
                endpoint                 |                             useragent
 patchAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetStatus   | [sig-apps] ReplicaSet should validate Replicaset Status endpoints
 readAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetStatus    | [sig-apps] ReplicaSet should validate Replicaset Status endpoints
 replaceAppsV1NamespacedReplicaSetStatus | [sig-apps] ReplicaSet should validate Replicaset Status endpoints
(3 rows)

Even though the test has passed here, once merged it will join other jobs on TestGrid to determine if the test is stable and after two weeks it can be promoted to conformance.

Final Thoughts #

The current workflow and tooling provides a high level of confidence when working through each e2e test. Following agreed coding patterns, styles and processes helps to minimise possible issues and test flakes. There’s always opportunities to get support through GitHub tickets, various Kubernetes slack channels and conformance meetings.

Every e2e test that’s merged and then promoted to conformance requires the input from a wide range of people. It is thanks to the support from community reviewers, SIGs and the direction provided by SIG-Architecture this work is not just possible but rewarding.